Thursday 28 October 2010


I agreed that finding of someone's personal informations is criminal because mostly people do these are just for their so called "fun".Their so called "fun" is hurting people.The hurt doesn't just last like 2-3 days,it's forever!The bullies mostly will post the information on site,webs.People maybe will see them,and play them!And the play will last forever and ever!The pain is just like "a thorn is in your heart,you can't remove it till you die".And the crime's "payment" is very reasonible,this will ought teach them not to play people and bother them.Some times,things are gotta be harsh and painful when doing something responsible!


現時網民在互聯網將事主「起底」,公開個人資料,受害人只能透過民事追討賠償,但政府建議修例,日後若證實網上起底對事主構成「惡意用途」,即使是無法量化的「感情傷害」,涉事的網民也要面臨刑責,最高罰款 100萬及監禁五年。政府建議《私隱條例》各項修訂中,其中一項「辣招」,是日後若有人未經資料使用者同意,取得事主的個人資料及公開披露,從中取利或作惡意用途,即屬刑事罪行,最高罰款 100萬及監禁五年。林瑞麟:轉載沒問題政制及內地事務局局長林瑞麟解釋,有關行為若造成「惡意用途」,即使有關人士沒有因此獲利,也一樣要負上刑責。近年流行網上「起底」,不少市民的照片、個人資料被人放上網公開,若日後通過有關修訂,起底便可能犯法。政府消息人士解釋,如果有關個人資料是當事人早已放在互聯網,例如其 facebook或網誌,即早已供人瀏覽,其他網民只是轉載,便沒有問題。不過,若網民是從其他途徑取事主的個人資料,而未獲事主同意便放上網公開,有關行為便觸犯新修訂的個人私隱條例。香港互聯網協會主席莫乃光認為,該修訂建議的規管範圍太廣泛,擔心會在互聯網造成寒蟬效應,「有時我喺網上貼一個 post鬧某君,跟住好多人回應講佢點衰,咁係咪要入晒我數?大家以後就連係網上都唔敢暢所欲言」。資料來源:蘋果日報 2010年10月19日

Wednesday 20 October 2010

記者親試 網上 1小時起清女友底細-Feelings

I felt it is so horrible that the internet could nearly do every thing!Like this reporter,found some pictures and informations on some kind of websites.The reporter used one hour to print 15 pages of informations of her girl friend,he got a lot of informations of her ex-boy friends,unfamiliar of her cousins and a lot of embarrsing pictures,if the world knew you have taken and what kind of people you met,your life will be in misery!Did I also mention the reporter have found even her education level?The reporter have also found where her girl friend have studied,the information have also shown that her primary schooling records and even her secondaries schooling records!

Some of the could be prevented,like some schooling record could be deleted,like bad students' schooling record aren't nessary after they have graduated,it should be deleted.

記者親試 網上 1小時起清女友底細

結果只花了一小時,就列出長達 15頁的報告,連她的前男友、不相熟的遠親和尷尬照片,也巨細無遺地列出,教人震驚。
記者博根( Steve Boggan)徵得女友哈蘭( Suzanne Halam)同意後,只將她的姓名和地址交給電腦安全專家勞里( Adam Laurie)和薩姆納( Chris Sumner)進行「起底」行動。哈蘭是多個熱門社交網站的用戶,包括 facebook、 Linkedln和照片分享網站 Flickr。此外族譜網站、網上選民登記冊,都有她的資料。
專家找到哈蘭由小學起的學歷、讀書時的照片,還可列出她在甚麼時候,到過那些地方旅遊。由於她使用 TripAdvisor網站的功能,讓家人知道她旅遊的行蹤,而且在 Flickr有照片為證。專家說犯罪分子看過資料後,可能會假扮你在旅遊時認識的人,用各種途徑騙錢,例如假稱生病了,請求你資助醫療費,甚至可以用來騙取你披露銀行戶口或信用卡號碼資料等。
也許你以為,在網上小心交友就沒有問題。可是薩姆納指出, facebook等網站有不少漏洞,例如你設定只讓朋友看自己的照片,但如果你的「戶口照」有留言,不相識的人也可以點擊進去看留言。若戶口照是一整套照片的其中一張,那麼整套照片也會隨之外洩。

Homework CL(2)

Part 1

Part 2

Total Lenght around 6mins

Chinese Translations:
Part 1 裝電源
1.1 移動電源到盒
1.2 孔對準電源與孔
1.3 用適當的螺絲,固定電源

Part 2(1) 安裝 CPU
2.1 檢索 CPU從防靜電墊子
2.2 旋轉CPU,在連接一指標是用針一列隊在CPU插座
2.3 缺口的方向對準 CPU上的方向鍵的插座
2.4 輕輕放置到的CPU插座
2.5 關閉 CPU的負載板和安全到位,關閉負載桿和移動它保留下的負載桿標籤
2.6 用少量的熱化合物的CPU芯片和傳播它均勻。 (注:熱複合,只需要在不包括在散熱器。遵循指示製造商提供的具體應用細節。)
2.7 排散熱片/風扇總成固定器的漏洞在主板上
2.8 放置散熱器 /風扇組件到CPU插座,小心不要夾在CPU風扇電線
2.9 擰緊散熱器 /風扇總成家臣將其固定到位
2.10 插入到主板散熱器

Part 2 (2) 安裝RAM
2.11 檢索一個 RAM模塊從防靜電墊
2.12 槽口對準鎖在RAM模塊的槽口插槽,直到按下側面標籤點擊
2.13 確保一方標籤已鎖定內存模塊和視力檢查暴露接觸
2.14 重複第二個RAM模塊

Part 2(3) 安裝主板機
2.15 緩慢移動下進入主板,而你對準螺絲孔的立場和取捨
2.16 裝上主板下使用適當的螺絲

Part 3(1) 安裝網卡
3.1 移動網卡到盒
3.2 對齊網卡的PCIe x1插槽在主板上
3.3 輕輕按下網卡上的,直到卡完全就位
3.4 通過附加的安全網卡的PC安裝支架用螺絲

Part 3(2) 安裝無線網卡
3.5 移動無線網卡到個盒
3.6 調整無線網卡的PCI插槽在主板上輕輕按下
3.7 輕輕按下無線網卡,直到該卡完全就位
3.8 保護無線網卡的PC安裝附加托架用螺絲案件

Part 3(3) 安裝視頻適配器
3.9 移動視頻適配器到個盒
3.10 對齊視頻適配器的PCIe x16插槽在主板上
3.11 輕輕按下視頻適配器,直到該卡完全就位
3.12 安全視頻適配器的PC安裝附加托架用螺絲案件

4. 安裝硬盤驅動器
4.1 移動硬盤到個盒
4.2 因此它的硬盤驅動器的位置對齊與 3.5A的“驅動器托架
4.3 將插入硬盤驅動器托架4.4 固定硬盤的情況下使用適當的螺絲

5.(1) 安裝光驅
5.1 移動光驅到個盒
5.2 光盤驅動器的位置,因此贊同的5.25A的“驅動器托架
5.3 光盤驅動器插入到驅動器托架
5.4 固定光驅到個盒下使用適當的螺絲

5.5 移動陣線到個盒
5.6 捍衛民主陣線的立場,因此贊同的3.5“驅動器托架5.7 插入軟驅插入驅動器托架
5.8 安全捍衛民主陣線的情況下使用合適的螺絲釘

6.1 對齊 20針 ATX電源線連接到主板上的插座,輕輕按下以確保連接
6.2 對齊 4針輔助電源連接器,輔助電源插座在主板上,輕輕按下以固定連接
6.3 插入一個 SATA電源線連接到硬盤驅動器。
6.4 插上電源線 Molex公司的光盤驅動器
6.5 插上電源線伯格到軟盤驅動器
6.6 對齊 3針個案風扇電源線,輕輕按下以確保本案風扇主板上的針腳
6.7 對齊和插頭的電纜到主板上的SATA插座。對齊和插頭在另一端的SATA數據線到硬盤驅動器6.8 對齊和PATA電纜插入到主板上的插座。對齊和插頭的另一端在PATA的數據線連接到光盤驅動器
6.9 對齊和插入軟驅數據線到主板上的插座。在對齊和插頭,另一端的軟盤到軟盤驅動器數據線。

7.1 對齊和電纜連接顯示器的視頻端口的視頻適配器。保護它的螺絲擰緊連接器上的
7.2 對齊和插頭電纜在鍵盤的PS / 2端口
7.3 對齊和鼠標線纜插入到PS / 2端口
7.4 對齊和插入USB電纜連接到端口
7.5 對齊和插頭在以太網電纜連接到端口
7.6 在對齊和插頭電源線連接到該端口

How to post a video!

First,go to the web where found or wanted to post,get the embed code (not other),after you copied it,you should and must paste it on the "Edit HTML",every blogs has this,after that it will show up by it self!

Miley Cyrus-Can't be tamed

TA DA!!!!!

Thursday 14 October 2010

Example of Cyber Bullying

Some are thearts and some are disturbing message.That's all!

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Cyber Bullying-The Mean and Example of Cyber Bullying

Hi,this is for homework(project).

(Some of the following info. are found here: )

This time Im going to talk about of "Cyber Bullying",Most of you said that,he/she said that he/she written something that "I" was annoying to him and he/she told me not to and just sent "me" 1 letter.That's not "Cyber Bullying" at all.The true meaning is that you have sent it countinously to the same person and annoying the person for so long.But do remember some countinously letters are not included like from companies,agencies etc. are bullying at all,but if there are contents that bothers you,contents are included like sexual remarks , thearts , ganging up on the victim ect. are already bullying.


1.The bullier gave a threat message.

2.Posting every of your personal details!Information!

3.Gossiping to every people about the victim(who even they dont know) and trying to make the victim's life in misery!

For Protecting yourself and Be-smart!:

1.Deactivate your account(if you could do that on the site),and report to the site owner immdiately!

2.Don't be too stupid,like giving your whole information to everyone!

3.If on Facebook,set privacy on FREINDS ONLY!

4.If EVERY info. must be needed in that site,then FORGET ABOUT IT!
That is certainly not a bully message at all!Good day,good health and be SMART!